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The journey



VAN Coaching always starts with an intake session (free of charge). The goal of the session is to get to know each other and to establish your goal(s) for the (relationship) coaching, which involves some pre-work. It is up to you to decide if you would like to continue after the intake. On average 6-8 sessions are needed to reach your goal.



Every session builds up in a structured 5 step approach. Starting with your successes and possibly about your latest trials, the risks you have taken. Closing the session with actions, what you will be doing between now and next time we meet. Most things happen on your path in between these sessions.



When you have reached your goal and defined your path our coaching is complete. Extra time will be planned between the last two sessions, so you really get the opportunity to experience how to deal with your challenges without your coach.

The topics



There are 4 potential outcomes of career coaching (purely focused on career moves).

  • Same organisation*, same job

  • Same organisation, different job

  • Different organisation, same job

  • Different organisation, different job


*organisation can also mean your own business



If you would like to change something in your (love) life and/or behaviour, the steps below will be the focus points during our coaching:

  1. Awareness (self awareness)

  2. Taking responsibility

  3. Actions

These steps will lead you to your defined goal.



I often meet people who have both a career and a life change challenge, as these topics go hand in hand. In that case we need a few more sessions (8/9) to be able to reach both goals properly.

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