Who is in the driver's seat of your (love) life? Your responsibility already starts before the intake. I strongly believe you should be coached, where you feel at your best and most comfortable with yourself. Where your words flow naturally, where you can easily get access to your thoughts and feelings. It is up to you, you can pick the right spot yourself, however you can also choose from one of the suggested spots in Amsterdam.
Hoftuin - a beautiful city garden next to the Hermitage museum www.hoftuin.com
Practice at home - you are more than welcome in my house with a beautiful view over the Amstel river.
Thuis aan de Amstel - a culinary and artistic café along the Amstel river, nearby Amstel station www.thuisaandeamstel.nl
VAN aan de Amstel - interested in coaching along the Amstel river, back to nature. The coaching starts as soon as the VAN starts driving! Walking along the Amstel river is the (more sustainable) alternative.
Living abroad or further away - no problem, I have extensive positive experience in virtual coaching.