Do you want to be in the driver's seat of your own life and need support?
Do you want to reflect on your career?
VAN Coaching is for doctors who want to:
grow personally or professionally
decide which specialisation to choose
prepare the application for their specialisation
develop themselves on themes like assertiveness, career, communication, dealing with change, dealing with responsibility, making decisions, fear of failure, perfectionism, quality of life, relationships, self-confidence and work life balance
The coaching is about you. About your needs and wishes, about your behaviour, about your awareness, about your path.
In the past 21 years I have conducted over 3500 interviews and life | love | career coach conversations for VAN Coaching, HEINEKEN, VODW and Deloitte. I grew up in a doctors family and have a passion for your practice. I know your challenges. Due to my extensive experience, I am able to build a bridge from business to the medical world. Click testimonials to read about people's experiences.